The Circumstances

Two weeks ago or so, my hall had dinner at the Dean’s house. It just so happened that the weekend we were there, his wife’s parents were in town visiting, which was super cool because it meant we got to chat with them and get to know them as well.

I was at the table with the Dean’s wife and her mother, and the wisdom they imparted on us was so wonderful. We got to hear the story of how they met their husbands, what advice they had for us on waiting for the right guy, and their thoughts on being content in singleness at a college that is very, very marriage-crazed. Ring by spring, anyone? Yeah, that saying isn’t even a joke here.

In our talking, the Dean’s wife’s mother said something that really impacted me:

God will arrange the circumstances, you don’t have to.

In my current season of life, I’ve been doing a lot of searching. I’m searching for what I really want/am called to do with my life, searching for what types of things I want to define myself by, who I want to be as a person aside from my parents and family, etc. A lot of stuff that is pretty typical of college students, I think.

It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by all the choices and possibilities that are open to me in college, but it’s true— God will arrange the circumstances. I don’t have to worry about figuring things out. A great example is the way God mastered my living situation for next year. My current roommate and I are not sticking together, and for a while, I was very uncertain of how things were going to work out and who I was going to live with.

Eventually, things fell into place perfectly for me, and I’m super pumped to be moving into a four-man room with some of the best friends I’ve made since being here at college. To move in with them has meant that I’m not only leaving my current hall, but that I’m leaving my current building. At first, I wasn’t sure if this was a change I wanted to make, but as time has gone on, God has just shown me so many reasons why this change is the right thing for me. I’m so excited.

And that’s just His hand in one small part of my life. How much more is His hand in the bigger areas of not only my life, but everyone’s else too? Wow. It’s awesome how much the Lord cares for us and is watching over our lives. We need only obey while He does all the hard work arranging our circumstances.

2 thoughts on “The Circumstances

  1. Kristen says:

    Thanks for sharing this, Jordan! It’s just the reminder I needed today. 🙂
    Job 42:2 – “I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.”

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